Last week, we had two guest lecturers. We also did an exercise in class about street vendors. This prototype looks interesting to me. It has several layers of information: 1)number of traders using the storage, 2) size of the storage, 3) category of the owner, 4) hours of operation. In this diagram, we can see that storages that privately owned have smaller size than city owned storages.
If we can have more data, there will be clearer trend.

This week I continued to explore Tableau. This diagram is trying to show the difference between total enrollment and total enrollment of asian students. However, on the last column, there is some issue. Seeing from the number, 721 and 272 should have big difference. But the dots are almost next to each other. The reason is that left scale is "total enrollment," and the right scale is "asian." I need to find a way to combine the two scales so that it does not cause confusion.

This diagram has several different information: state, name of the school, total enrollment of students, total enrollment of asian students.
The size of the circle represents the number of total enrollment.; the bigger the circle, the more the students. The color represents the number of total enrollment of asian students; the deeper the color, the more asian students enrolled.